We offer flexible possibilities for our employees. With our help, you can be employed temporarily, on a part-time basis and also permanently. We are liable for the skills of our employees and, if necessary, we provide training.
If you are a professional and your job motivates you, we will surely find the best workplaces and the best contractors.
Construction business and construction sites are project-specific, but in J&T Projekt we offer all of our employees permanent employment relationships, unless you specifically hope to have a fixed-term employment.
Our skilled office staff will always support you when you need it.
Your salary as an agency worker is competitive. Your salary is the same or even higher than that of a full-time employee.
Our employees are motivated because they know that their salary always arrives on time. Your salary will always be deposited on Your account at the agreed time.
We deal with all Your concerns. J&T Projekt is constantly working with the questions regarding Your salary, holidays or employment.
We strictly adhere to our promises and agreements. We respect the agreements and promises made, and we expect the same from You.
When choosing J&T Projekt Oy as your employer, we offer you a stable work environment where you can focus on your own specific know-how.